Have you ever had that feeling …...
.....during a conversation (often when you’re on the phone) and literally, just as you hang up, only then a super important thought or urgent question plops into your mind? What do you do next… call them back right away right? Or maybe, send yourself a note to call or text them a bit later?
All well and good in day to day life, but what if that happens right after interviewing a podcast guest? ….Well, we all implicitly know that podcast convention says that you do the interview (sometimes) add a short summary at the end of the show… And well, it is what it is, just move on to the next episode.
Next guest, new topic, keep it moving right ?
And that's how it could have played out for the Across The Pond podcast. When you’ve gone through logistical gymnastics to schedule and record an interview at a time that can work for both the UK (where Chris Lawson is based) and East Coast US (where I’m based) plus the global location of the guest - then we have no option but to follow convention
….or do we ? Season 5 was our first time having guests and we found ALL of them to be just so darn compelling - that we couldn't just move to the next episode...Screw convention!
Our Podcast Innovation & Creative Process
Q: Is it a ‘Deep Dive’ ?
A: Sort of, because we go deeper, but we add new research, insight and perspectives.....
Q: Okay so Is it an ‘Analysis?’
A: well we do that, but we add our perspective, experiences to the story
Q: So its a ‘Recap’?
A: Actually, not really, because we don’t rehash everything again ! We pick the parts that resonated with us and bring new ideas and content..
Got it - its a ‘part 2’/ part b / volume 2 - right?
Well, sorry HARD NO to that. Because the story evolves and leads to a different place and the interview guest doesn’t get a right of reply!!
The AfterCast™
Simply put, we wanted more and felt our audience would as well. So, we did just that - inspired by the aftershow/after party concept. We get to apply routine disruption (as per Allen Adamson) and innovate beyond the podcast convention (of): next guest, new topic, keep it moving. It led us down a creative process - to a bonus episode curated by us called an ‘AfterCast™'. Think of it as a recap or remix, a reflection of the areas that really caught our attention, where we go further and deeper, just like a DJ/music producer does to the original mix (ie adding new beats, instrumentation, sound effects, vocals, etc).
Episode 57 - Arjo Ghosh AfterCast™️ Bonus Episode. Backstory of Entrepreneurial success
I guess what we set out to achieve with season five - The Marketing Transformed Playlist, was to create a playlist for our audience of who we're listening to at the moment and invite you to tune in and be a part of it, and then for you to share it with others to listen in!
Look, we’re not denigrating our interviews. It was an inspiring experience to listen and learn from our guests as the catalyst and instigators of creating something brand new - the AfterCast™ and we hope you enjoy it !!
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contact us for:
marketing strategy/transformation consulting
communication through storytelling
capability building and coaching
keynote speaking
We’d love to hear from you at marketingtransformed.com
or email marketingtransformedshow@gmail.com.
Review us on Apple Podcasts: Tell us what you're finding most useful, and where the show is impacting your work and we’ll respond to as many emails as we can.
While you’re here check out our FREE podcast archive
Season one essentials of marketing digital transformation, whether you're that rising star entrepreneur, experienced professional.
Season Two, getting deeper into marketing transformation. What are your questions that you've got? And we answer those for growth and success.
Season Three modern marketers, looking at the changing dynamics of marketing and business strategy and what you need to learn unlearn and relearn in a post COVID world.
Season four - Agile Marketing Action Plan. We give you the cornerstones, the skills, the mindsets and then the behaviors for modern marketers. So you can actually deliver on modern marketing. The cornerstones are things like the vision and mission, the brand building insight and playbook. We go to skills, the mindsets of growth, mindset, transformation mindset, and then the leadership behaviors that are still ever relevant.
Season Five really gives you that everyday inspiration and that curated selection where we go back and do that AfterCast™ to go into it a bit deeper.